Monday, December 8, 2014

Week 16A

Today in class we presented our micropage that we completed. In our presentation we had to talk about the subject of our web page, reasons behind our design and how we problem solved through the development process. It was important to talk about how we problem solved but it was hard to stray away what we got frustrated on. Some of the points I talked about that were difficult for me to decide in my decision making process were layout, placement and small coding issues. I kept a two column design through out my design and placed imagery according to the content. I really wanted to focus in my design was keeping my playful theme and challenge myself to create depth in my web page.

After our presentations we received feedback from our professor and classmates. Overall all the classmates really like my design and thought everything was working. As for my professor, he gave me some critiques that I definitely agree on and will apply them. Some of the things that I should look into fixing are making my lines that break up content thinner. Retouch on the donation and back to top buttons to make sure that they reflect the same theme as the other illustrator imagery. By doing this it will reflect on our readings on "Signal and Cue".

Week 15- Outside of Class

Final Project:


The goal of this project is to create a single webpage design that uses our design and coding skills to re-create a page from our kick starter campaigns. The campaign I choose was the "Splash Infusers". This is a 2-piece design that allows your to choose your favorite flavors and ingredients and mash them into the infuser followed by dropping the infuser into your favorite beverage or drink of choice. Once placed into your beverage the splash infuser instant releases those flavors into your drink and creates an overall better and healthy beverage.


As you can see Splash Infusers already has a logo. So I redesigned one with a more playful and bubbly typeface. The typeface I choose was Barber. I also added customize fruit that I vectorized from photos off the internet. I didn't want to copy anything that I found off the Splash Infusers page except for the content. The other typeface that I used was open sans off google fonts because the typeface was easy to read off of my opacity background and that is why I stuck with that typeface. I also had some issues with the @font_face typefaces and no matter what I tried it wouldn't link.



For my micropage I wanted to keep the fun and playful theme off of the kick starter campaign. But for the most part all of my colors and tones are original as well as all the imagery that was used in my page. 

Final Design:

Week 15B

In Class: 

This was our final work day and I worked on more of my imagery that i'm going to use for my website. I changed the colors of the icons for the benefits and decided to display them in a two column system to best flow with the rest of my design. I also worked on creating a donation link that would bring you to the Splash Infusers kick starter campaign. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 14-Outside of Class

Over the weekend I worked more on my Splash infusers micro-page. I'm starting to create a five column grid system. Trying to decided how I wanted my layout to look, took a lot of trial and error on the screen. I work better trying to move boxes around on the screen than re-drawing the concept over and over again, because when I draw I think way to big and can never accomplish what I want on screen. 

IIDC Event 


Web Team
- Created the montage of photos on the about us page.
-Choose all the photos for the montage image
-Helped placed code for new website

Speaker's Team
-Introduced and welcomed Melissa Zane on day of event

Extra Help
-Helped guided people to where they needed to be
-Brought extra waters for speakers
-Brought back up laptop
-Helped clean up by moving microphones, chairs and pick up trash 

About the Event:

For the second year in a row the design students put on the Interdisciplinary Interactive Design Conference. We mostly had students come and listen in on the event but surprisingly a lot of outside clients and designers came to here what the four chosen speakers had to say. Each of the speakers brought something new that everyone could reflect on even if they weren’t in the same field or design concentration. The first speaker was Melissa Zane and she is the Director of Creative Services at Godfrey. Her company is a business-to-business brand that unifies the methodology of design. She talked about the process of design branding and how to think about forward strategy. The second speaker was Kent Eisenhuth. He had a lot to talk about designing touch points and how software designers need to think in the same way designers do. He focused more about the design and how the UX can affect the users. The next speaker was Teresa Van Wagner and I honestly got a little lost when she was speaking because she didn’t explain the term building perception to the fullest because that was what her presentation was all about. The last speaker was very inspirational because Vinny was a data scientist. As designers we forget about how important date and finding data quickly is to us. He talked about how interactive design can help the value of user experience when searching information on a website. Overall I took a lot from the event and feel that having different professions gave a lot of incite about how many options you have in the design world and your not stuck in one area because they are all related to one another.

Week 14B

No Class- Holiday Break

Monday, November 24, 2014

Week 14A

Today in class we worked on our micro-page more. When I talked to our professor he gave me some advice to change the background so it fits the width of the screen and to change around my text colors. Most importantly we talked about keeping my design within the grid system. So I have to go back and look at my layouts and organizing the information better. I think I like the last ideation of color with my title the best because it pops and catches your eye.